7 Tips for Playing at Online Casinos


Playing at online casinos should be fun as well as potentially profitable. Nobody wins every time they play, but there are certainly ways in which a good player can increase the odds of success. Here are seven quick tips to help players get the most out of time spent at online casinos.

1. Choose the Right Place to Play. Look for major online casinos with established reputations for trust. There are dozens to choose from, so if something about one doesn’t seem quite right, move on to the next. The right venue will be one that feels comfortable and offers great games, great promotions, attractive graphics, understandable rules, easy deposits and withdrawals, plenty of game information, top-notch customer support, a steady flow of new games, and unquestionable security. Here is no reason to settle for anything less.

2. Take Advantage of Bonuses. All online casinos offer introductory bonuses. It pays to shop around. Look for bonus cash, deposit matches, free play, freerolls, and cash-back rebates. But don’t forget to study the ongoing promotions, too. Long after the “Welcome Bonus” has expired, the weekly and seasonal bonuses become most important. VIP programmes, referral fees, loyalty points, comps, prizes, gifts, and free tournament entries are just a few of the benefits to look for. Keep abreast of what’s on offer and don’t let good opportunities to play with “house money” slip by.

3. Set Some Limits. Playing “games of chance” means risk is involved. Players want to win, of course, but they need to know how much they can afford to lose, too. Many online casinos allow players to set limits in their account preferences. These will automatically prohibit a player from exceeding a pre-determined spending limit. The idea is to play with one’s head, not over it.

4. Master the Game. Online casinos offer a much greater variety of games than those based on land, which means more variations in rules. Before placing even one bet, take some time to get to know the game well, by studying the rules, developing a strategy, and practising on the “For Fun” or “Free Play” version, if available. Otherwise, use any available freerolls to get familiar with a game. When in doubt, don’t bet; move on to another, more familiar activity.

5. Wager Wisely. Betting amounts should not be based on hunches. At the very least, an educated guess is required, which means knowing what the house edge is, what the odds of success are, and what return on investment (payout) is possible. Wagers should be made according to the playing situation and in proportion to one’s bankroll. For example, sitting down at a £5-minimum Blackjack table makes no sense with a budget of just £20. Starting out small and working up to larger wagers with winnings makes much better sense.

6. Set a Moderate Pace. There is no need to rush a wager or play hurriedly, especially when playing slots or table games where the player determines how many spins or hands are played per hour. Time flies by quickly when deeply involved in online gaming. Take a few deep breaths and remember: there is no rush; just relax and play deliberately.

7. Know When to Quit. Just as limiting losses is an important aspect of play, so is recognising when to cash in. No string of good luck lasts forever. Many players like to set an objective for a session of play. When they reach their financial goal, they stop. The only risk in this approach is missing out on potential additional winnings, but there is never any shame in quitting while ahead. In fact, that’s the only way to win.





























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